Storytelling, an Introduction
Enrollment is open for an exciting, online course about the fundamentals of narratives. Storytelling, an Introduction begins Jan. 11th. Enrollment will remain open through Jan. 9th. Course materials and initial assignments are sent to students upon receipt of tuition. Cost: 500 NIS for Israelis or 150 USD or equivalent for everyone else. Registration: contact Payment via PayPal. No refunds.
Testimonies from Other Courses:
“Channie broke down genres for me. She broke down elements of literature. She forced me to read some interesting texts, and forced me to think and to rethink, to focus, to expand and to contract. I went inside myself and came out with some honest answers.”--Mindy Aber Barad, Efrat
I am so gratified by Channie’s positive and encouraging responses. My online course with her was the most amazing, often grueling, and deeply instructive course I have taken since who-knows-when! I have grown immeasurably in whatever skills I have merited gaining. It has been an honor to learn from the very best! I am grateful.- Devorah Druxman, New York City.
Before discovering Channie's creative writing courses, I had been trying for years to write on my own, without tangible results. Many emerging writers need the support of a writing community, which I did not even know existed in Jerusalem, for English language writers. I was thrilled to discover Channie . I feel that my writing has already improved, along with my confidence in my abilities. –Diana Carlyle, Jerusalem
Selecting among Your Many Experiences and Fancies
The Chronology of a Story
Nay-saying Your Internal Critic
Content and Style vs. Point-of-View
How to Share Works in Progress
This course will consist of: readings, questions and answers, exercises, writing homework, and limited feedback on writing homework. If the participants are in agreement, we'll also have communal chats (Likely the next online course will be a face-to-face/ live time experience).
Your Teacher:
Dr. KJ Hannah Greenberg has more than a dozen published small press books and has contracts for an additional handful or so for 2015 and 2016. She’s worked at several literary magazines as an Associate Editor and was a professor for a few decades. With Hannah, you will learn. However, expect to work hard.