On Jan. 10, 2007 A well known tech writer, John Sharon, felt cheated and posted the following warning on Techshoret.


I did, in May 2006.

On December 4, 2006 the IGB DDR2 failed and I took it in to Telecode in T-A,
who are supposed to give service to Acer notebooks in Israel. They do not
keep any stock of spare parts (contrary to the new Israeli law passed in
September 2006), so they returned the part to Acer and I have been waiting
for a replacement until today (5 weeks later). I spoke to the Telecode
technician who said that tens, if not hundreds, of exactly this memory
failure had occurred recently, but Acer refuses to give them replacement
stock. Acer told me that if I wanted faster service, I had to take the PC to
their nearest ITW site - Dubai.

I was fortunate that the failed part is standard (not proprietary to Acer).
I was able to borrow some memory from the IT Manager (where I work) and from
the shop from which I purchased the PC. Thus, I managed to keep on working.

I have lodged a complaint with the organization Emun HaZibur
http://www.emun.org/ptrust/html/home/main.htm, and I will try to sue Acer
and/or Telecode. If you know of any similar Nif'ge'ai Acer, please have them
contact me.

Meanwhile, please feel free to share this with anyone thinking of purchasing
an Acer product.


March 14, John Sharon reported the following to Techshoret that " this story has appeared on Ynet, and on a couple of TV consumer shows (with me as an anonymous consumer)..."

On March 17 it was aired on Channel 2 TV's Hadshot Motza"sh program and you can see it at Link...