Call for Papers for the Eighth Annual ITA conference FEB 2010
/Call for Papers Eighth Conference of the Israel Translators Association (ITA)
Tools and Skills in the Information Age
8-10 February 2010
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Jerusalem
The annual ITA conference is an international meeting of translators, interpreters, localizers, subtitlers, editors, researchers, translation company owners, project managers and related professionals. The ITA promotes the profession by encouraging information exchange, fostering research and providing opportunities to enhance professionalism.
We invite you to share the work you do and your unique expertise with us. Catering to veterans and beginners alike, the conference program this year focuses on the tools and skills essential in today's information and communications age. We welcome your proposal for topics that will help participants learn more about the profession and how to manage their work, boost their productivity and... yes, even find jobs.
Proposals in any of the following formats are welcome:
- Preconference workshop - up to three hours
- Presentation - up to 40 minutes (30-minute lecture and 10 minutes for questions)
- Panel discussion - similar to a television news panel, in a panel discussion a moderator helps panelists who represent diverse points of view develop a dialog (up to 60 minutes + 15 minutes for Q&As)
The conference grows from year to year, and over 400 participants are expected in 2010. It runs for two and a half days and is designed to have broad range appeal. The ITA conference provides excellent value for money, and is the best source of information and training. Don't miss it!
To submit a short abstract and bio, including full contact details, click here.
Please note:
- Only abstracts submitted via this link will be accepted
- Abstracts longer than 250 words and bios longer than 100 words will not be accepted!
- The deadline for submission of abstracts is November 15, 2009
- The Organizing Committee will notify you if your proposal is accepted by November 20, 2009
For additional information about the call for papers, send an email to ]]>.
We look forward to seeing you among the presenters at the conference.
The Organizing Committee