Israel FrameMaker User Group
/More than 15 people attended September 26th meeting of the Israel FrameMaker User Group in Kfar Yona. Shlomo Perets of Microtype spoke on FrameMaker's paragraph overrides. Jack Shasha of Radware gave a talk entitled "Text Insets: A FrameMaker Single-Sourcing Solution". Both speakers gave excellent talks which also included tips which will be useful on a daily basis. Related Links:
Text Insets
- Text Insets (from a 2002 STC conference but still relevant)
- - Using Framemaker Text Insets
- Text Insets on IconLogic's blog
Paragraph Overrides
- 20 Free Plugins for Adobe FrameMaker
- Paragraph Tools provides additional capabilities for working with paragraphs in FrameMaker documents.