Please remember that this report is copyrighted and for your own personal use only! You can show it to an employer or potential employer during salary negotiations, but not give out access or leave printed copies. Company access is for use by one person in the company.
This report comes in two parts.
Part 1 is the Q4 2006 report, which summarizes both Q4 and changes that occurred during 2006. This part is based on133 respondents who responded between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31, many of whom also submitted data earlier in the year. This report is a bonus because it was not planned as part of the Q1 report.
Part 2 is the Q1 2007 report itself. It is based on a subset of the Q4 2006 report that also reported during a two week period at the start of Q1 2007 (Jan. 1-15). This is the first in a series of quarterly reports that will follow the same test group writers at the start of each fiscal quarter to give an accurate picture of salaries and trends.
The Freelance Technical and Marcom Writers Rate Report is not ready. It should be ready by the end of the month.