Translatable but Debatable - The Index
/by Mark L. Levinson
The holidays are almost upon us, so it’s time to look back and make an accounting. Having been asked several times, I’ve looked back over the Translatable but Debatable columns and made an index of the words they discuss.
The index is arranged more or less dictionary-style, with the verbs all in third person past singular (but with כתיב מלא). Of course in many cases the column discusses fewer than the full range of meanings for the particular word.
Over the years, the Elephant site has migrated from one software framework to another, and if you’ve ever seen elephants migrating you know there’s damage along the way. As one regrettable example, a lot of reader comments appear to have been left behind somewhere when the site underwent re-hosting and I apologize for that. Moreover, not all the columns look elegant, and I discovered that a few are even missing from the line-up. For the time being, I’ve linked from the appropriate index entries to temporary copies of those elusive columns.
Here’s the index. Click a line to find the column that the word or phrase appears in. And if there's a word or phrase you'd like to see added to the list — that is to say, one that you think deserves a page of discussion regarding its translation into English — write to me at . Shana tova.
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