Nothing melts a Mumpy more

by Mumpy

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Just when I thought it was all over and I was going to resign from my job and become a wet nurse, something unexpected happened to me. I was sitting in a meeting with my team (Product Management) – minding my own business and lost in a pleasant daydream about George Michael, when I heard my name mentioned.

I pushed George to one side and pricked up my little ears. Apparently I had done something right and I was being rewarded with English chocolates from my boss and a meal for two from the company.

Well – nothing melts a mumpy more than chocolate from my home country. I was smiling widely at my fellow colleagues who begrudgingly muttered “Mazal Tov” under their breaths. Ha Ha You sore Losers! No British chocolate for you!

Later on – I found out that I was being rewarded for “echpatiyut” formally translated as “caringness” (No comments please - Caringness is a perfectly valid word in the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia.).

It seems that my caringness had been duly noted and was now being rewarded. But I think it’s true for all technical writers actually – more so than other jobs. I think that in order to be a good technical writer you have to have an almost supernatural caringness about what you are doing. I just don’t see how it is even possible to sit at a computer for 9 hours plus a day, pulling it all together unless you have a deep-seated underlying belief in the value of what you are doing.

Of course there is a fine line between caringness and falling into the brink of utter insanity – but let’s not explore that today.

Anyway – I think that my reward is definitely a win for all technical writers everywhere – so with every bite of chocolate that I take, I will think of you my dear readers.

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